Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by tens of thousands of savvy investors and traders around the world every day

☕ Two of the very best stocks to buy right now imho

Jun 17, 2024

Good morning! 👋 

We’ve got another holiday-shortened trading week on our hands, this time as the markets are closed in observance of Juneteenth on Wednesday.  

Here’s my playbook. 

1 – All mixed UP  

I really feel sorry for the permabears who just can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls that the path of least resistance continues to be higher. They’re still blathering on about debt, about politics, about the aliens that landed last week... anything that seemingly makes their case. 

Yet here we are. 

Both the S&P and Nazzy (Nasdaq) have been positive 7 out of the 8 last weeks. They’re green again this morning in the early going. 

Proving, once again, it’s better to be long than wrong.  

I hope you’re on board. 

The investment case for owning GREAT stocks has never been better. 

  • Earnings are stronger than people realize 
  • The Fed’s about to get benched 
  • Consumer demand for “must have” products is increasing 

And if the possibility of a correction, a downturn, a pullback – whatever you want to call it – bothers you, take a good look in the mirror and ask the person looking back at ‘ya what you are really hoping to accomplish. 😊 

Be honest. 

The answer may surprise you. 

2 – Two of the best stocks you can buy right now 

The venerable Stuart Varney asked me for two of my top stock choices ahead of this morning’s opening bell. And I was happy to provide ‘em. (Watch) 

Here’s why. 

Investors often get so wrapped up in the headlines that they fail to realize the fact that the absence of any new news can be an important opportunity to buy the best names on the block. Usually because folks are looking the other way. 

I made a quick note of that last night, in fact. (Watch) 

OBAers: I will be providing important updates on both stocks in this week’s weekly which, of course, comes out a few hours from now. If you are reading along and that’s something of interest, I’d love the opportunity to earn your trust, goodwill, and business. (Learn more) 

3 – Forget Bitcoin, try Legos 

Like many parents we often gave our boys Legos at Christmas on birthdays, and other special occasions. And, like many parents, we had no idea just how valuable some of ‘em would become years later. 

Mini figures, in particular.  

For example, a Spider-Man with red lower legs lists for $9,511.85 on Brick Ranker. A Teenage Mutual Ninja Turtle figurine known as Shadow Leonardo seems positively pedestrian at “just” $900. 

Even regular “bricks” are outrageously expensive.  

A typical Lego kit will set you back anywhere from $30 to nearly $1,000, particularly if you’re after something like the Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser from the Star Wars series.  

That’s why I wasn’t particularly surprised to read that a pair of thieves have apparently targeted Lego stores in SoCal where they’ve stolen more than $100,000 worth of Lego-related merch. (Read) 

Presumably, they’ll be unloading via eBay, Facebook Marketplace or even Craigslist where dealing in stolen goods is commonplace and confounding authorities. 

Legos have become an alternative asset class. 


Keith’s investing implication: Many investors would be wise to consider so-called “alternative assets” which, as the name implies, can be everything from Legos to gold and precious metals to cars and, in my case, vintage motorcycles. I’ve also become a keen – albeit very novice – wine, whiskey and champagne collector. I did so after I learned that fine wine has outperformed the S&P 500 4 to 1 since 1952 according to Forbes... and what the heck, it’s hard to argue with the smile you have on your face as you enjoy ‘em. 😊 

And full disclosure, I am having so much fun that I am not only a happy customer, but also a paid consultant to OenoGroup.

4 – Cash from trash 

We often talk about recycling, sorting, and even materials collection as part of the business case for owning waste management related stocks.  

Now there’s a new raison raison d'etre.  

A PA waste company called Reworld has apparently recovered more than $10M in thrown away change since 2017, of which $6M is still plenty usable. (Read) 

Talk about a margin producer! 

People throw away an estimated $68-$70 million in coins a year which, if recovered could be a tidy chunk of change for the right operators. And a margin enhancer, too. 

Imagine how the game would change if somebody figured out how to do that at scale.  

I’m doing some digging, just not in the trash. 

5 – Illegitimus non carborundum est 

It’s a mock-Latin aphorism that means loosely “don’t let the b_____s get you” or “beware of the false ones.” 

I’m bringing it up because apparently quite a few members of the 5 with Fitz Family are being approached by imposters on Twitter who pretending to be me and who are soliciting all manner of slime, super-secret squirrel cage investing schemes, sh!tcoins, and more. 

Please report and block ‘em all immediately. 

I apologize for the inconvenience! 

Meanwhile, this is an important reminder to invest in cybersecurity. My favourite choice has returned 150% over the past 12 months versus the S&P 500 which has logged a super impressive 25.15% over the same time frame. 

I hope that you’ve got this covered or, if you don’t, that you will! 

Bottom Line 

Your mindset can make or break your investment journey.  

Cultivate optimism, stay positive, and believe in YOUR ability to create wealth. 

Learn, ask questions.  

MAKE it happen! 

As always, MAKE it a great day. 

You got this – I promise. 

Keith 😊 

Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by tens of thousands of savvy investors and traders around the world every day


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