Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)

☕ Netflix just stuck it to ESPN – should you buy shares?

May 16, 2024

Good morning! 👋 

One of the most important and immutable laws of physics is that an object in motion stays in motion, a principle first published by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687 as a part of his seminal work, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. 

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what two young men found out the hard way last night after a round of golf and evidently quite a bit of alcohol that led to their Durango unceremoniously cartwheeling through our property after leaving the road at what the investigating troopers estimate was at least 80mph but possibly as high as the ton. 

Had I gotten our mail just five minutes later than I did, you wouldn’t be reading the 5 with Fitz today and I wouldn’t be looking forward to all the great responses, messages, and thoughts we receive from you every day. 

Fortunately, both of these young men walked away. One wearing metal bracelets and the other into the arms of a thankful fiancé who came to pick him up. 

Unfortunately, that means yours truly now has a fun morning of insurance paperwork, clean up and additional reports to file. 

So, I’ll keep it super brief. 

Here’s my playbook. 

1 – Yes, the markets can go a LOT higher 

I know that’s hard to believe after yesterday’s record close, but there is still plenty of upside energy on tap.  

Some of that is from hedge funds who are unbelievably still on the sidelines (they should know better) but a lot of it will come from the FOMO crowd that is finally waking up to the fact that they’ve missed out on one helluva run. 

It’s an important reminder of something that we talk about all the time. 

Missing opportunity is always more expensive than trying to avoid risks you can’t control. 

You’ve got to be in to win if you want to win! 

Keith’s Investing Tip: Some digestion would be normal at these levels just like it is after any big market move, or a big meal for that matter. So mentally get ready for that and take any downdraft in stride. Get your buy list ready meanwhile. 

You do have one – right?!?! 

If not, make one. Or if I may be so bold, you might enjoy the same list the OBA Family is already working with if that’s helpful. Learn more. 

2 – Walmart beats for exactly the reasons I explained Monday 

Pardon the pun, but I was right on the money when I explained that a good part of Walmart’s earnings would come from newly engaged up-market consumers who are being more frugal with their money. (Watch) 


Shares are up 6.59% as I type. 

While I hate the thought that they’re higher because I don’t own ‘em yet, I know that tactics are how you win the game in situations like this when you find a stock that’s working. (Read) 

Patience, too. 

3 – Under Armour may not survive  

Under Armour is one of the most storied athletic brands in America and once traded as high as ~$50 a share back in 2015 if memory serves. Now, it's trading at $6 a share and management has warned North American sales will plunge. (Read) 

I don’t think the company survives, at least not as we know it today. 

Might make a great bottom fishing candidate, particularly if Nike, Lululemon or even Adidas steps up.  

But at what price? 

That's the question.  

Speculative capital ONLY because this will be a hero or a zero. 

4 – Netflix just stuck it to ESPN – should you buy it? 

Netflix will live stream two NFL games on Christmas Day this year and reports indicate at least one other significant outing in both 2025 and 2026 as well. (Read) 

This removes one of the big reasons I’ve stayed away. 

A move into live streaming sports mitigates the constant “rat on a treadmill” need to produce movies and TV. It also draws in added advertising revenue and new ad-tolerant subscribers who will undoubtedly be used to justify another price increase.  


5 – Google defies the odds but I’m still not buying 

Google closed yesterday at all-time highs and is seemingly made of Teflon. 

  • The company has become a payments engine which, not for nothing, is at the core of the DOJ investigation and trial. I think Google loses. 
  • It’s behind on AI but that isn’t dampening enthusiasm for the faithful, a dangerous sign. 
  • And finally, Google’s job board suggests the company is hiring salespeople rather than engineers, a mix that speaks volumes about where management sees things going even if they’re seemingly able to convey otherwise to the investing public. 

Sometimes, that’s just how the ball bounces. 

Okay with me. 

As always, I will celebrate those who have ridden Google to great success even though I haven’t, at least not lately anyway. 

MyPOV: The markets are a funny place at times which is why you want to constantly celebrate success, even if it belongs to others! And relish your own journey which, if you’re following along as directed via OBA, has resulted in the opportunity to harvest at least five 100% winners, and a slew of 200%, 300% and even a 400%er in the recent past – all of which are part of ongoing recommendations. 

Btw, if you're working with a financial advisor who isn’t recommending the kinds of stocks our research has highlighted and you’d like to do something about that, let me know. I’d be happy to make an introduction (for which - to be clear - I receive NO compensation whatsoever). 

Bottom Line 

Last night's accident is an important reminder to give those you love a special hug today. Send kind thoughts, share perspective, help those who need it. 

Thanks for being YOU - let’s MAKE it a great day. 

You got this! 

Keith 😊 

Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)


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